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Cockshott Trophy

The Cockshott Trophy is an international Series open to all kind of 12’ Dinghies built in accordance with the Rules approved by a National 12’ Dinghy Association.
The goal of the event is to encourage and promote friendly relations between 12’ Dinghy sailors of different countries and to widen the diffusion of the 12’ Dinghies of any kind.

The Italian 12’ Dinghy Association (AICD) has been entrusted with the responsability of coordinating the organization of the Series.
In order to assure the success of the event AICD will act in close conjunction with the representatives of the French 12’ Dinghy Association, the Austrian 12’ Dinghy Association and of the German Fleet and with the representatives of the Fleets of other countries that would like to be involved.

The main goal of the Cockshott Trophy Series is to provide maximum visibility and partecipation to the events, choosing the better suitables dates and locations with the objective of encouraging the diffusion and friendly coexinstence of 12’ Dinghies, regardless of the material of their construction, provided they comply with the Rules approved by a National 12’ Dinghy Association.

The Cockshott Trophy Series will consist of a minimum of 3 events to be held in Italy, French and Germany. If possible, one or two further events in countries with smaller Fleets like Switzerland, Austria, Slovenia or Turkey, will be organized.
The power to define an event as part of the Cockshott Trophy Series is exclusive of the organization authority.

The winner will hold for one year the copy of the original perennial Trophy presented by the grandson of George Cockshott.
Prizes for other positions might be provided, depending on the number of competitors.
The prize giving ceremony will take place at the first Cockshott Trophy event of the following. year

The Cockshott Trophy Series will comprise at least three events.
In order to qualify for the Series competitors must attend a minimum of two events.
If three events are raced, the results of all events will be counted, if four or more events, the worst result will be discarded.
The winner of the Series will be the competitor with the highest number of points.
All competitors will be considered as DNS (0 points) for events in which they did not compete.
Competitors regularily registered, attending at one event where no races are disputed, will receive the point of the last position in relation to the number of the entries.
Parity will be resolved preferring the competitor with the best result in a single event, if parity continues, it will be resolved preferring the competitor with the better result in the event with more entrants.
The scoring method is to be used on event results, not on individual races within an event.
Results will be published on the websites of all 12’ Dinghy Associations taking part to the Cockshott Trophy, as soon as possible after each event.
A spreadsheet showing the number of points for position/entrants will also be available for download from such websites.

Scoring method
Points will be awarded using the following formula :
points awarded = 401 + 1000(log C) - 1000(log F)
where :
C = the number of competitors taking part in a regatta.
F = the boats finishing position in the regatta.

Cockshott Trophy Series 2021
Due to Covid restrictions, that pose limitations to travels, in 2021, as an exception to the ordinary rules, while consisting the Cockshott Trophy Series of 4 events, given the contemporaneity of the Cockshott events in the two German speking countries, the results of only 3 events will be counted. All other rules are confirmed.

The events of the 2021 Cockshott Trophy Series are the following :

  • Trofeo Siad Bombola d’Oro – Santa Margherita Ligure 21-23 May, 2021
  • Alpen Cup – Mattsee 5-6 June, 2021
  • NRV – Alsterschale, Hamburg 5-6 June, 2021
  • Monaco Classic Week – Monaco 10,11, 12 September 2021
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